Bowrain – Million Homes ft. El Henry (SI)
Slovenski glasbenik, pianist in skladatelj Tine Grgurevič - Bowrain je v desetletju delovanja močno zaznamoval domačo glasbeno sceno s svojimi raznolikimi albumi in koncerti (Far Out, Distracted, 2020 Seconds Alive, Not Exactly Lost, Heal Me, Bowstrings, Izštekani Bowrain ...). Za seboj ima tudi bogato mednarodno kariero — nastopil je že v večini evropskih držav, Združenih državah Amerike, Južni Afriki ter februarja 2025 bo prvič nastopil na Kitajskem. Bowrain je septembra 2024 izdal studijski album Million Homes, ki je premiero doživel v ljubljanskem Kinu Šiška. Album naslavlja večno aktualne probleme in vprašanja sodobnega časa, kot so okoljska kriza, osamljenost in vojne, hkrati pa daje upanje in pobudo za človeško delovanje v okviru skupnosti. Gost Bowrainovega koncerta bo El Henry, palestinski rapper, ki živi v Ljubljani. Njegov rap v arabščini se neposredno dotika tematike vojne v Gazi in večletne okupacije palestinskega naroda, ki traja že desetletja.
Slovenian musician, pianist, and composer Tine Grgurevič - Bowrain has significantly influenced the local music scene over the past decade with his diverse albums and concerts (Far Out, Distracted, 2020 Seconds Alive, Not Exactly Lost, Heal Me, Bowstrings, Izštekani Bowrain, etc.). He also has a rich international career—having performed in most European countries, the United States, South Africa, and in February 2025, he will perform in China for the first time. In September 2024, Bowrain released his studio album Million Homes, which premiered at Kino Šiška in Ljubljana. The album addresses timeless and pressing issues of contemporary times, such as the environmental crisis, loneliness, and war, while also offering hope and a call to action for human cooperation within communities. The guest at Bowrain's concert will be El Henry, a Palestinian rapper living in Ljubljana. His rap in Arabic directly addresses the issues of the war in Gaza and the long-standing occupation of the Palestinian people, which has lasted for decades.
Tine Grgurevič - avtor
- pet, 31.01.2025 21:00 Bowrain – Million Homes ft. El Henry (SI) Gala Hala, Masarykova cesta 24, 1000 Ljubljana KLUBSKI KAVČ