Karabola Puppet Theatre: Kamena juha (GR)
Karabola Puppet Theatre was born in Rhodes, in 1996. It created performances and puppetry construction seminars for the town’s National Theater, schools in Rhodes and the islands around it until October 2004. Over the last 18 years, the troupe has been based in Athens and performs on theatrical stages, festivals, museums, schools and institutions. It is a member of UNIMA Greek Center of Puppetry. Predstavili bodo Kameno juho v slovenskem jeziku - z obilico (tudi grške) glasbe!
Fevronia Reizidou - voice + puppet manipulation, Janez Spendov - voice+guitar, Tzina Kardiolaka - voice+percussion
- Thu, 30.01.2025 17:30 Karabola Puppet Theatre: Kamena juha (GR) Radovljica
- Fri, 31.01.2025 17:30 Karabola Puppet Theatre: Kamena juha (GR) Bled
- Sat, 01.02.2025 11:30 Karabola Puppet Theatre: Kamena juha (GR) Lutkovni studio LUTKARNICA, Kidričeva ulica 41, Koper PUBLIC EVENT
- Sat, 01.02.2025 16:00 Karabola Puppet Theatre: Kamena juha (GR) Lutkovni studio LUTKARNICA, Kidričeva ulica 41, Koper PUBLIC EVENT